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Student Loan Consolidation Rate - How to To Prevent Default Using Student Loan Consolidation Rate

Do you have an outstanding student loan on which you are making repayments? Keep in mind that defaulting on this loan can have severely negative consequences on your finances. Default with lead to rude reminders, imposition of high charges and a drastic fall in your credit score.

Did you simply presume that nobody would follow up on your loan if you defaulted? Or were you facing serious financial troubles which left you with no choice but to default? Once you default, your credibility will fall and your repayment cost which rise. One quick way to end your worries is to opt for a good student loan consolidation rate.

Just what is meant by default?

Not making your payment for a pre determined period will lead to your defaulting on your loan. Some lenders do not treat a borrower as defaulting unless he or she has skipped payments for more than a complete year. Lenders do not treat any borrower as defaulting without serving formal notice by post or email.

Once your loan is categorized as a defaulted loan, you will have to make arrangements to convert its status into a current loan. Default is a very serious issue which hits your credit score and credibility. It will take a long time for you to move back into the good books of your lender. It takes nothing less than twelve months with consecutive payments and no missed payments before your credit score will improve.

Hence, no matter what happens, try to avoid defaulting on your loan. You always have remedial options irrespective of whether you have opted for a federal loan or a private loan. In case of a federal loan, opt for deferment and forbearance. In case of a private loan, sign up for a good student loan consolidation rate to remedy the situation. This is a very good option as you still retain deferment and forbearance as further remedies is the situation does not improve.

What is deferment?

As the term indicates, using this option postpones your loan repayments for a fixed period. Your loan stops and no interest is charged for the period you have opted for deferment if you have obtained a subsidized loan. This is a common choice when the borrower is pursuing additional education programs.


You should opt for the forbearance option if you have income problems. If you have been laid off or if you have fallen ill, you will not qualify for deferment and should opt for forbearance. Such programs may exempt you from making payments or may require very nominal payments for a fixed period. You may choose to apply forbearance to the principal, interest or both figures.

Want to know more about Student Loan Consolidation Rate? Visit now: http://www.studentloan-tips.com/student_loan_consolidation.html to find everything about Student Loan Consolidation Rate and much more!

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